AWS Cloud Free Tier
You can get free hands-on experience using the AWS platform, products, and services.
Explore more than 100 products, and then start building on AWS Cloud with the Free Tier. Three types of freebies are available.
It all depends on the product. Explore our offer by clicking the icon below.
All customers, regardless of size or type (students, entrepreneurs, small businesses, and Fortune 500 companies), can take advantage of the AWS Free Tier. However, if you are part of an organization under AWS Organizations, only one account within the organization can receive the benefits of the Free Tier. Usage of AWS services offered under the Free Tier will be calculated by aggregating usage across all accounts within the organization.
AWS Cloud Services
Get to know about AWS Cloud Free tier and How to use it?
The AWS Cloud Free Tier offers customers the opportunity to experience and try AWS Cloud services for free, within specified limits for each service. The Free Tier includes three different types of offerings: a 12-month Free Tier, an Always Free offer, and short-term trials. Services with a 12-month Free Tier allow customers to use the product for free within certain limits for one year from the account creation date. The Always Free offer allows customers to use the product for free within certain limits as long as they are an AWS customer. Services with a short-term trial are available at no cost for a specified period or a one-time limit, as determined by the selected service. The specific limits and services offered for free can be found on the Free Tier page for each service. If your usage exceeds the free tier limits, standard pay-as-you-go rates will apply (see each service's page for full pricing information). Certain restrictions may apply, please see the offer terms for more information.
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